Who wish to improve their knowledge of sports nutrition
Who are seeking to answer questions about sports nutrition and physiology
Who will soon work with sports nutrition and metabolism
Who wish to improve their performance through effective sports nutrition
Learn from the biggest names in sports nutrition WorldwidE
We gathered the best professionals from all around the world to give us the most updates information on sports nutrition.

Loughborough University and MySportScience, United Kingdom. Professor in School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences. Recognized as one of the world’s leading sports nutrition experts. He is Director of mysportscience and his web site aims to communicate science in sports nutrition. He is also Head of nutrition for TeamNL, pro cycling Team JumboVisma, Red Bull Athlete Performance Centre, works with several soccer clubs and is co-founder of CORE nutrition planning.

Australian Catholic University, Australia. Louise Burke is without doubt the most well know and well published sports dietitians in our field. Her research interests lie in nutritional intervention strategies for sporting performance. The goal of Louise’s research is to find practical nutrition strategies that athletes and coaches can use to achieve optimum performance. Often this will involve examining metabolism during and after exercise to discover how complex systems work.

Australian Catholic University, Australia. Is a world-renowned researcher and the Director of the Centre for Exercise and Nutrition at the Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research. His primary research focus includes the interaction of exercise and diet on the regulation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, particularly within skeletal muscle, the molecular basis of exercise training adaptation and the cellular bases underlying exercise-induced improvements in insulin action.

McMaster University, Canada. He is a leading authority of the topic of protein synthesis. He is a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Skeletal Muscle Health. In addition to being a full Professor in Kinesiology, also an Adjunct Professor in the School of Medicine at McMaster University. He is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and the American College of Nutrition (ACN). His research is focused on the impact of nutrition and exercise on human skeletal muscle protein turnover.

Kenyatta University, Kenia. He completed his PhD (Exercise and Sports Science) where his research focus was on the role of genetics, nutrition and sociocultural factors in explaining the phenomenon performance of Kenyan middle and distance runners. Vincent has worked as the Director of the Center for International Programmes and Collaboration at Kenyatta University and is currently the Registrar in-charge of Research, Innovation and Outreach at Kenyatta University.

Sports Nutritionist in Bengaluru, India. Geetha Ghaliyavar is a leading sports nutritionists from Bangalore, India with a PG Diploma - International Olympic Committee ( IOC ), a registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator, an academician, a university first ranker, gold medallist, speaker and columnist with 18 years of diverse experience and mentors novice, national, international athletes by offering holistic sports nutrition coaching.

Department in the Mexico National Soccer Team Beatriz is a sports dietitian with more than 20 years of experience working with elite athletes. She completed her MSc at Leon University in Spain and the Sports Nutrition IOC. She is an ISAK III anthropometrist. She founded the Nutrition Department in the Mexico National Soccer Team, and she was the Head of Nutrition for 10 years. She was part of the high performance team working with the football players that represented Mexico in the Olympic Game

Brock University, Canada. Bareket Falk is a pediatric exercise physiologist, with a wide interest in children’s responses to exercise and the physiological effects that physical training may have on healthy children, as well as on children with chronic diseases. Her current work focuses on the effect of growth, maturation and physical activity on muscle function and on bone development. Bareket Falk is the current director of the Centre for Bone and Muscle Health at Brock University.

Florida State University, United States. Dr Orlando Laitano is a researcher in the field of exercise physiology at Florida State University, with particular interest in the interactions among temperature regulation, fluid balance and reactive oxygen species produced by skeletal muscle during acute and chronic exercise. Orlando worked with the Brazil National football team on hydration strategies and developing personalized drink solutions for players.

Liverpool John Moores University, England. Graeme is a Professor of Human Physiology at Liverpool John Moores University where he is the programme leader for the MSc in Sport Nutrition. Graeme is also nutrition consultant to England Rugby and nutrition consultant to Everton FC and Nottingham Forest. Graeme is the Head of Performance Nutrition to the European Tour Golf, the Lawn Tennis Association and several world class athletes.

University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Professor Fiona Pelly is the Discipline Leader in Nutrition and Dietetics at USC. She is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, and a Fellow of the Dietitians Association of Australia and Sports Dietitians Australia. Professor Pelly has over 30 years’ experience as a dietitian, including 26 years in the area of sports nutrition with extensive experience in private practice. She is the current president of the international organisation PINES.

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Eimear completed her undergraduate and postgraduate studies in sport and exercise science in Dublin City University, Ireland. She then worked as a Sports Nutrition lecturer in the Robert Gordon University, Scotland, before moving to Brazil to do a postdoctoral. Currently, she is a member of the Applied Physiology and Nutrition Research Group of the University of São Paulo, and leads a research program investigating how exercise and nutrition influence bone.

Australian Catholic University, Australia He has accumulated 25 years of experience working with Olympic and professional athletes and is widely recognized as an innovator and leader in high performance sport. He was Director of Performance Research & Development of the Philadelphia 76ers. Professor Martin published more than 110 peer-reviewed publications. He is now Director of Performance at Apeiron Life and a Professor in the School of Behavioural and Health Science at ACU.

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Bryan Saunders made the doctorate at Sports Nutrition from Nottingham Trent University. He completed two post-doctorates at University of Sao Paulo and currently is young investigator at Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, researcher at Applied Physiology and Nutrition Research Group and investigate about sport supplements, individual responses and effects on performance.

FC Barcelona, Spain. Mireia Porta is a Sports Dietitian, Food Technologist and Anthropometrist ISAK (level III). She is an Associate Professor in Food Technology at the UAB. (University Autonomous of Barcelona) and a professor in several Sport Nutrition Postgraduates and master’s Degrees from different universities. Currently she is enjoying her profession at Football Club Barcelona assessing not just their males and female football players, also the other professional teams that Barcelona has.

Gatorade Sport Science Institute, Venezuela. He was the founder of the sports nutrition service of the National Institute of Sports in Venezuela and for 10 years he advised hundreds of athletes who participate in the Olympic cycle. Through the GSSI he has had the opportunity to study the fluid balance of some of the most important professional soccer teams in Latin America and has given conferences related to the application of Sports Nutrition in more than 20 countries.

Florida State University, United States. Dr. Michael Ormsbee is an Associate Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food, and Exercise Sciences and Interim Director of the Institute of Sports Sciences and Medicine in the College of Human Sciences at Florida State University. He is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa and a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

Michigan State University, United States. He is a recent Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education at Michigan State University, USA. Dr. Tadesse received his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the School of Education at the University of Queensland, Australia. Dr. Tadesse commits sports sciences, health sciences, and higher education research and development. Also, he has been extensively involved in the research.

Mayo Clinic, United States. Is a physician-researcher and one of the world’s leading experts on human performance and exercise physiology. Using humans as his model system, he has made major contributions to understanding muscle and skin blood flow, blood pressure regulation, and human athletic performance. His ideas about human performance are widely quoted in both the popular media and scientific publications. Mike has been a consultant to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and NASA.

Messiah University, United States. Is Chair and Professor of Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Science at Messiah University in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. Over the past two decades, Dr. Rawson’s research has focused on the interactions between nutrition and skeletal muscle. In particular, Dr. Rawson has studied the effects of the dietary supplement creatine on muscle and brain function. Dr. Rawson has been an active member in the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

Loughborough University, United Kingdom. Is Emeritus Professor of Exercise Biochemistry at Loughborough University. He retired in 2016 after 40 years of research and teaching mostly related to the diet, metabolism, health and performance of athletes. He has co-authored several books on exercise biochemistry, sport nutrition, exercise immunology and published over 200 research papers in scientific and medical journals.

16 video lectures with the most up-to-date information on sports nutrition
Training the gut - What it is, what is the evidence, and how can we use it successfully.
Beta alanine: the latest - We will hear about the latest research on beta alanine, about individual differences and about the practicalities of beta alanine supplementation.
CBD oil: a supplement that solves all problems? - CBD has become a very popular supplement in many sports. What is it? What is the evidence and what are the risks and considerations?
ROUNDTABLE Sports Nutrition
Sports nutrition is different in various countries and in this roundtable we will hear from speakers about sports nutrition in Ethiopia, Kenya, India and Venezuela.
Food provision for athletes at Olympic Games - The Tokyo Olympic Games are coming up and providing safe food options for so many athletes and cultures can be challenging. This talk will discuss these challenges and solutions in a fascinating behind the scenes talk.
Caffeine - Caffeine is one of the most common and oldest supplements. It has been on and off the list of banned substances. What is the latest on caffeine and what are some of the practical implications?
It’s genetic – thinking critically about genes and performance - This talk will discuss the role of genetics in performance and whether a genomics approach will help us to advise athletes better.
The virtues of resistance training - The virtues of resistance training: What muscle and strength mean for athletes and regular people.
If you want magic: hire a magician - How can a practitioner contribute to an athletes performance? What impact can be expected? How do we measure this? How can you improve success? What does it take to be successful in sports nutrition?
ROUNDTABLE Nutrition in soccer around the globe
In this roundtable we will discuss how nutrition is organized in different football clubs and teams. In particular we will discuss personalizing nutrition in a team environment.
Sports nutrition for young athletes - Can we translate the guidelines for adults to young children? What are some of the limitations? What are the ethical issues. This talk will focus mostly on hydration.
Intermittent fasting - We hear a lot about intermittent fasting and about time-restricted eating. What is it? Does it work? What does the evidence tell us?
Write our own best-selling diet book in 15 simple steps - We will discuss a few simple steps to write the next best-selling diet book, or start your own successful supplement company.
Creatine supplementation
Presleep feeding for health and performance
How to defend ourselves against COVID
Whether you are a seasoned sports nutrition professional
or an athlete who wants to learn more for personal gains, this conference is for you! WE will bust myths and make sure you know about the latest scientific findings or even get information ahead of publication.
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16 video
lectures on
sports nutrition

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See what the participants said about the event

What is WorldwidE?An event where the main speakers from all continents will discuss the latest news on Sports Nutrition Science, in an online virtual conference. You will connect with the best professionals in this area, and they will pass on all their insights and experiences. We will break down barriers and ensure that you learn the latest scientific discoveries and maybe even obtain informations before its publication. The whole world together from west to east!
When is it?WorldwidE will happen on the 5 - 6 of December.
Who is WorldwidE for?The event is for Sports Nutrition professionals and students, in addition to athletes who wish to enhance their knowledge in this area.
How do I register?Just click on "Registration", fill out your personal info in the designated areas e procede to payment. After completing this process, you will receive your registration confirmation at the e-mail you used during the subscription.
Which types of payment are accepted?You can register and pay via credit card, PayPal, Samsung Pay, Google Pay and by your Hotmart account.
I'm a student, do I have a discount on my registration?"Registration fees are unique, with no discounts or promotions.
How do I access the broadcast?The official transmission of all lectures will be carried out by the ZOOM platform, making it necessary to install the ZOOM application on the device you will be using, since access via web browser is not available. You will receive the link to access the event by e-mail. We recommend that you connect 10 minutes prior to the event. NOTE: When logging in before the time the event starts, you will be in a waiting room.
How many lectures can I watch?All the lectures referent to the module that you registrated for.
How long do the lectures last?Each lecture will last approximately 1 hour.
Can I attend the lectures after the broadcast?Yes. The recordings will be available on members area for 30 days. After the end of the event, you will receive instructions via e-mail on how to access this content.
Will I earn a certificate for participating in the event?Yes! At the end of the conference, you can go to members area and check all the content, after that you will have access to certificate.
How and where do I send my questions?Our service team will be available on our official channels. You can send your questions and doubts to our social networks, to the email contato@bfeventos.com.br or WhatsApp: +55 (61) 99831-8817.
What is the virtual exhibition?An online space where you can check the products and services of the biggest brands in the health and nutrition segment and also take advantage of promotions, discounts, sweepstakes and more.
Can I cancel the purchase of my ticket?In this case, access the refund request page in your Hotmart account, then enter the transaction code, the e-mail registered during the purchase and complete the following steps. Once the order is completed, we will contact you within 10 days to confirm the refund. Our cancelation policy: UP TO 07 DAYS AFTER PAYMENT DATE: • Full refund. FROM THE 8th